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is stewarded by the
FORCLT Prayer Network.
The FORCLT Prayer Network started in 2019 when we identified a desire among prayer leaders to cultivate mutually supportive and collaborative relationships. We began with a few gatherings filled with prayer leaders, pastors, and faith-oriented civic leaders - Each with a desire to better understand what God was up to in the city and how to partner with him in prayer. We shared meals, listened to one another, listened to God together, and discerned what would ultimately become the mission of the FORCLT Prayer Network.
Since that time, we've organized online prayer gatherings hosted by prominent pastors from across many traditions leading prayer for Covid-19 concerns and racial justice issues. We've resourced churches with prayer guides as a part of an initiative to unify Covid-19 related prayer in worship services across the city weekly. And we've hosted a city-wide season of night and day prayer.
Now we're unpacking new ways to cultivate community and collaboration between prayer leaders of organizations, networks, ministries, churches and groups - exploring new ways to support existing prayer initiatives throughout the city, and planning to launch new ones that keep Pastors, the Church and the city covered in prayer.
If you're a prayer leader wanting to join the FORCLT Prayer Network, click the button below to complete the contact form and we'll help get you connected.
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